Effective April 10, QuickBooks will begin implementing a change to their online subscriptions.

What's happening?

QuickBooks revised their plans and added usage limits to better match the capabilities of their products. Additionally, they have also built a new product, called QuickBooks Online Advanced, for customers who need more capacity and functionality.

What to expect:

Beginning April 10 and over the coming year, usage limits will go into effect for all QuickBooks Online Simple Start, Essentials, Plus, and Advanced customers. The terms and restrictions for customers on annual plans will not change during their current subscription period.

You can stay in your current plan and keep all your data. But you won't be able to manually add an account, user, class or location if it will put you over the limit. For example, if you're at your plan's maximum for billable users, you'll need to remove a user or upgrade before you can add a new one.
Also, if you purchased additional users beyond those included in your plan, you may keep any that you add before April 10. To add a new user after that date, you'll need to upgrade or first reduce the number of users to less than the number allowed by your plan.

Usage Limits by plan: Simple Start, Essentials, Plus, and Advanced

Chart of Accounts
250 accounts with Simple Start, Essentials, or Plus | UNLIMITED with Advanced
(Refers to number of accounts/categories)

Classes and Locations
40 combined in Simple Start, Essentials, or Plus | UNLIMITED with Advanced
(You may not be using these tracking tools)

Billable users
1 with Simple Start | 3 with Essentials | 5 with Plus | 25 with Advanced
(Unbilled users—accountants, time–tracking, reports–only—are unchanged and don't count toward your limits)